Hello everyone!
Welcome to our Science Meets Art (SMArt) blog, a part of the USci Network at the University of Windsor. We’re a student led initiative dedicated to using art to inform and harbour discussion about science topics. From displaying at science outreach events, to doing collaborations with professors, to chalkboard art around campus, our team's work has been well received, and we hope this blog helps you stay connected to all that we’re up to!
Besides all the work we’re up to, we’ll be blogging about general art-science stuff in our community. Our goal is to highlight all the cool ways art and science can co-exist, and hopefully inspire you to see all the possibilities too.
We hope to get a team of us and a regular schedule running to keep the content coming.
Until next time!
- Dante (SMArt Co-Lead)
Stay connected!
Twitter and Instagram : @smartuwindsor